Friday, February 22, 2008

Business Conference

Well, this weekend I'm helping out some friends from church with a business conference by the airport. I went into this never having done conferences outside of church based meetings. Wow! What a change! Not having the pressure of bands and live video is really relaxing. I chose a loadout based on what the initial discussions of what would be happening during the conference. By the time we setup, and began tuning the PA, I knew I had brought way too much gear. We went from 3 floating wireless mics and a LAV; to a wired podium wired mic, and a LAV. The room: more than half the size I was planning on. Ya, I had way too much PA. I'm running the LAV and al the other mics through DBX DDP processors and I have a DBX 2231 on the LAV as well just to ring it out for different speakers. PA has a DBX DriveRack feeding it, and that's it. I needing to have 2 recording splits off the FOH console as well as a video feed for a guy taping from the back so I brought an old Yamaha analogue desk: MC24/12. Nice little desk although I wish it had recallable mutes. Anyways, today is day 2 and so far so good. Everyone is very impressed with the sound and the error free operation of it. I'm guessing that their past experiences have been pretty bad. Do any of you ever do small conferences on the weekends? What's your loadout?

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