Saturday, February 16, 2008

Start of Something New!

Well, this is my first post on this blog thing so here goes:

Being the Technical Director of my church is a little bit more demanding than I imagined. Before actually being named TD; I pretty much functioned as one as far as the Youth department was concerned. Ok, so I manage 2 systems instead of one? Easy, right? Not hardly. Alot more expectations from the big guys to have things running perfectly in both venues even though you can only be in one at a time. That's where having a great crew comes into play.

My youth crew has consisted of 5 guys for several years now, but recently dropped to 4 due to one leaving for college. These guys are all heart. I've spent many a late night with these guys and they truly are great. We've got an event coming up where the youth group will pack-up and head to a hotel for what we call an Advance. I thought I would do something special for these guys and rent a Digidesign Profile for the trip. We have a VENUE back home in the main sanctuary and they love working with it. Granted our youth groups budget isn't high enough to purchase one, but I've got a guy giving me a great weekly rate on one. So with a month and a half to go; I'm slowy setting aside some personal funds to make sure we get that console. My guys need to finally come out ahead for once and have it easy. Would they kill me if they knew I paid for it? Yep.....but it's such an awesome console! :) Anyways, this is my first of many entries to this thing. All you fellow FOH or Lighting guys feel free to leave comments or email me!

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