Friday, May 6, 2011

Even More Change

Well it's a new year and even more has transpired. For starters I'm told this blog is no longer an option and so I hear by promise to try and blog at least once a month. Last time I blogged I had left my full time position at the church and was working almost full time at House of Blues. I'm now in the process of balancing the church, HOB, and a regional production company called Onstage Systems. I had several people tell me that to get some more systems experience I had to get with a production house and so that's what I did. Wow what an eye opener! First week on the job we did One Republic at Cowboys Stadium, followed by a latin pop show at a 7500 seat theater. HUGE difference when your apart of the PA crew that rigs and sets up the PA. It's been great getting L'Acoustics certified and learning about their full range of products including all the new K-Line of PA. Our company has been the PA,lights,video, and staging provider for the George Straight tour since before he was big and it's been great talking with Strait's FOH Engineer/System Tech and learning the ins and outs of large scale PA alignment and some cool shortcuts to make my life easier in large venues. So that is where I'm at now, and I promise to start posting more in the next few weeks to talk about some of the different events that I've worked and all the awesome gear that went along with it.

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