Sunday, July 18, 2010

Snapshots,Snapshots, Snapshots......

Well today was a day that reminded me why I absolutely love the VENUE's snapshot automation! Granted I had to put in the time to setup the snapshot and test it to make sure it would fail me in a live situation, but it was totally worth it. I have a lead singer that sing's once a month, and when she sings there is usually BGVs singing parts that don't normally have to cover with our other lead vocalists. The reason I needed a snapshot for this vocalist was two parts. First my own, almost lazy reason: I don't want to have to re-label the input,FX channels,IEM outputs, and FX sends, or have to recall my saved EQ for her channels and IEM output. Second reason being that she likes a totally different style of stereo mix in her ears as well as her mic level needing to be different in the rest of the band. Oh, almost forgot; all her FX plugins themselves. So all that being said, I created a snapshot called "AMBER LEAD". I scoped pretty much everything but 'midi" and "vca" and took the time to dial in the bands IEMs during a rehearsal with this vocalist. After about an hour in rehearsal with this vocalist and the band, I felt comfortable using it live. So this morning as I was bring the board online I just scrolled down and recalled "AMBER LEAD" and everything to do with the lead vocal section changed for her and the band required zero monitor adjustments and her vocal needed to dynamics or EQ adjustment. What a time saver on a already packed Sunday morning! Now if you are wondering why with a VENUE I can't just have a separate set of channels for each vocalist and their FX returns here's why: I have the drums, main vocals, and rest of the band all on bank 'A' just like you'd find on a traditional analogue console. I do this because when I work with a band I want all my main stuff on top so to speak. Fader bank 'B' is BGVs,Loops,iPod,DVD, speak mics(headsets) and other items that will only be touched at specific times. Bank 'C' is the entire band and vocals double-patched to be EQ'd,compressed,gated,and tweaked for the band's IEMs just as if I had a separate monitor console. That's a whole other topic/post so I'll save that for next post......maybe tomorrow. Also I'm going to try my best to take a lot of pics to help describe visually what I'm writing about here. Especially since I just got the iPhone 4 with the HD camera. That's all for now!

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